Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our Undying Love is Yours

As I write, I look to my right, and I see my son, ten feet from me on the couch, on the computer, chatting with friends. To most, this is not a remarkable thing at all. To most it is normal, all too normal. To some, it may even be a source of annoyance to see child so engaged. To me, it is a miracle.

Thirty six days ago, we received a phone call from an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, whom we were soon to learn was not simply a remarkable officer and new, life long friend, but an angel sent from God. She informed us, compassionately, that our Andrew had been seriously injured in an assault, that his injuries were life threatening, and that he was awaiting surgery.

As we prayed and cried and prepared to fly to Colorado to be with him, we had no idea, really, of what awaited us at Penrose-Francis Trauma Hospital. 30,000 feet high, between God and man, we prayed, we four, along with an ever growing number of family, friends and strangers, for miracles.

A miracle is learning that each family member felt a peace of heart at the same time on the flight out, feeling simultaneously, that things were better and that God was in control. A miracle is landing in Denver and being told that Andrew had never gone into surgery, that the neurosurgeon had, at the same time you felt that assurance above, found his vital signs to be improved and held off on the surgery, a surgery that was ultimately never necessary.

A miracle is realizing that the surgeon assigned to Andrew's case was a strong believer in Jesus Christ and as kind and compassionate as a human being could be. A miracle is seeing your son's eyes move behind his lids rapidly, then flutter open, five days after they had closed. A miracle is seeing your son's bruised and battered body heal before your eyes with God's power and through gifted caregivers, who are a miracle in themselves. they are truly His hands of healing on earth. A miracle is seeing every one of your needs met by airmen, chaplains, and workers whom you never knew, and will now, never forget.

It is truly a miracle to be loved by people you don't even know and have them become a part of your soul right before your eyes. A miracle is seeing your son move is finger, give a thumbs up, and nod his head in answer to your question. A miracle is seeing him sit, stand, take a step, and give a hug when you thought he could barely move. A miracle is seeing the strength of a wife who loved unto exhaustion, and the love of your children that, you knew was there, but never really knew until now. A miracle is seeing your son arrive home and smile through the pain and the suffering, never once complaining, to this very moment, about a thing. He is my hero.

A miracle is hearing your son's voice and melting as you hear him whisper, with great effort to simply make it audible, 'I love you.' A miracle is seeing determination, and heart, and strength, from a body weakened and broken, yet strong through it all by the power of God. A jar of clay made a vessel of power in His hands. A miracle is bringing your son home, to live out the remainder of his days for Christ, with a testimony of power when, but for a millimeter, we are told, he might never have come home at all

God has showered these miracles upon us, by His grace, every day since September 25, 2010. We, who at first were overwhelmed and undone by a terrible act of evil, are now overwhelmed and uplifted by His goodness, and your love; by the thousands of acts of compassion and benevolence that have been lavished upon us. We can never thank Him, or all of you, Andrew's caregivers, fellow airmen, school children, churches, and friends, enough. Indeed, words feel so inadequate at such a time, but know, all of you, that behind our words, is an undying gratitude that will be ours toward you, forever - we will remember you all, for time and eternity.

How true the words of the proverb, 'a friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.' True friends, true heroes, rush into the danger and hopelessness of others lives and love them, bearing them in arms of strength unto rescue, and safety, and peace. All of our old, and new found, friends, please know that we are humbled beyond words at the model you have set before us - to see true love in action is both marvelous and convicting - We are in awe, inspired to be forever grateful to you, and, to be a better friend ourselves, a friend like you, to others.

We know now, truly, what Lincoln meant when he spoke of 'the better angels of our nature.' You have touched the substance of our being and the mystic chords of our memories with a melody of love, a friendship song that will resound in our hearts forever.

We have been reminded, in this lesson of suffering, that the power of evil is great, yet the power of love is infinitely greater. The inherent sin of the heart and the outward acts of evil that flow therefrom have an effect on humankind to such an extent that they have robbed us of our immortality, and burdened us, with pain and toil to a grave that they have dug.

However, if one could pile all the sins ever committed high unto the heavens, while that pile would be enormous and daunting in the extreme, it could never reach the heights of God's love, forgiveness, and grace. His love and all of His attributes, like Him, are infinite, boundless, and measureless. To rest in them, in Him, is to rest in the eternal assurance and confidence of the divine infinitude. Truly an indescribable treasure and an incomparable, unspeakable gift.

The Love of God

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell;
The guilty pair, bowed down with care,
God sent His Son to win;
His erring child He reconciled,
And pardoned from his sin.

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song!

Could we with ink the oceans fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above
Would drain the oceans dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints’ and angels’ song!

F. M. Lehman

In that infinite blessing, we are told that the Father, in the Son, through the Spirit, extends the power of grace to us, and that all who trust in Him by faith are not only His beloved, His child, and His brother, but remarkably, immortal again, and His friend forever as well.

Having been blessed by God with friends like you, and having experienced the impact and power of your love in our lives, we now know, afresh and in experience, the power of God in our hearts. For everything, my friends, and most of all, for that, we are forever profoundly grateful and changed.

Our undying love is yours, and His, forever.

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