Friday, January 22, 2010

Homework for Week Jan 25 to Feb 1

Assignment 1 - Continue to Read 'Conversations With C.S. Lewis and be prepared for your oral presentation by Feb 1.

Assignment 2 - Study and be prepared for Quiz on Bill of Rights on Feb 8. Study guide will be posted on Feb 1

Assignment 3 - Go to

Go through the list of debates and choose THREE topics of debate that interest you - the debates cover many topics - the debates you choose MUST involve a question that relates to worldview and constitutional issues. After reading each debate completely, write a brief summary of the arguments, answering the following questions: Did the author provide adequate arguments for both sides of the issue? Did the author's opinion or bias come through clearly so that you knew which side they supported? What questions not asked would you have included if you were constructing the debate? Did the author cite worldview opinions and constitutional supports in the arguments? Did you read the arguments with an unbiased opinion? Did the arguments change or reinforce your view or bias?

Assignment 4 - Google and Write a brief summary of the following important Supreme Court cases:

Dred Scott v San(d)ford - 1857

Roe v. Wade - 1973

Extra Credit

Click and Read on any or all of the following articles and write a BRIEF summary of each:

Consider going and supporting the "Don't Nuke the Penguins Association," a non profit organization dedicated to preserving the beauty and existence of Antarctica and it's tuxedoed birds. In joining, we will send you a DNPA membership card and lapel pin with our slogan, "They're Too Cute to Nuke..." (extra extra credit will be given for joining, but membership card and pin must be shown upon request in order to get the extra points...)

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