Monday, February 4, 2008

The Shroud of Turin - Fact or Forgery?

Monday - HW - Read articles on the spread of early Christianity and on the method of execution known as crucifixtion... write a brief description of your impressions of what you read...

Tuesday - HW - Read article on the recent discovery of some fascinating WW II history I came across and give your impressions...Amazing how history is sometimes "discovered" so long after the events occur...Ernie Pyle was a great writer - his stories from the front honored the soldiers and captivated a nation dying for news of what it was truly like for their boys "over there"...amazing

Wednesday and to Feb 25 - The Shroud of Turin is an amazing item to study and consider...It is purported to be the actual burial cloth of Jesus Christ by some; however other consider it to be a fake...Visit the following shroud websites and other sources you may find and study the facts, photos and arguments surrounding this amazing relic...Do your research, take notes, and then write me the following essays regarding your findings and opinions...These essays are due when we return to class Feb 25 after the Feb 18 President's Day holiday (no class that day)...DO NOT WAIT TO START THIS ASSIGNMENT - IT WILL TAKE YOU SOME TIME TO RESEARCH AND WRITE SO PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!! I want you to write three essays, each the length of the front and back of one notebook paper, like your essay assignment before...Write one descriptive essay, detailing the shroud only - what does it look like, what is it made of, etc... The second essay should be a comparison and contrasting of the arguments on both sides, believers and skeptics - what do they agree upon, what do they disagree on, what are their main arguments, etc... Finally, write an essay giving your opinion - which side or argument do you favor and why...Work hard on this assignment - it well count much toward your second half grade and enjoy the process - it is a fascinating subject...

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