Saturday, September 29, 2007


The film documentary "The War" is currently being shown on national television - here is hoping that millions are watching. Rather than tuning in to see some form of the mindless goofiness that masquerades as network programming, viewers checking out "The War will certainly come away being informed, enlightened, and truly moved by the stories of those who served and sacrificed. So many from that amazing generation died, so many suffered the pain of physical wounds that scarred the body, and many more the agony of the emotional scars that continue to sear the soul...In watching with newfound awe and wonder at their courage, I was reminded of the words of historian Steven Ambrose, who wrote, "The "we" generation of WW II, as in "we're all in this together," was a special breed of men and women who did great things for America and the world. Those of that generation "knew the difference between right and wrong, and they didn't want to live in a world in which wrong prevailed. So they fought and won, and we, all of us, living and yet to be born, must be forever profoundly grateful...Amen...

HW - review "The War'' and submit e-mails to me on day following film being shown. Watch Sun, submit thoughts by midnight Mon Watch Mon, submit by mid Tue, watch Tue, submit by mid Wed.

HW 12 - Research the life of Daniel and write a brief description of the man and his deeds. What impresses you the most about him and why. To me by Tues midnight

HW 13 - Do the same as above for Nebuchadnezzar. What do you see as negatives about him? How about positives? To me by Wed midnight

HW 14 - Research the Rosetta Stone - write a brief description of it and tell me what it is, where it is, and why is it important? To me by Thur midnight

HW 15 - Research and tell me briefly what "The Book of the Dead" is and what's so interesting about "The Valley of the Kings?" To me by Fri midnight.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

With a Firm Reliance

History is simply the story of God's will being played out through time...Shakespeare once wrote, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women in it merely players." There is truth to that...The Bible has a lot to say about the history of great empires, from Mesopotamia to Egypt, to Assyria, to Babylon, to Persia, to Greece, to Rome...It is amazing to realize that the great empires and nations and their leaders may think of themselves as great and often not in need of God, but the Scriptures remind us that God considers them as dust on the scales - leaders rise and fall according to His will, not their own, no matter what they may think. Those empires who honor the Lord are blessed and those who do not feel His stern judgment... When the United States of America was founded, Benjamin Franklin noted that if God is aware of one sparrow that falls to the ground, surely He is aware of nations that rise and fall and that they do so according to His sovereign choice...As a nation,may we never forget, in this independent nation, how DEPENDENT we truly are on the Lord...Our founding document calls for us to have a "firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence." May we always have that reliance so that we may always have that protection.

HW 10 - Watch "THE WAR" on pbs Sun night 8-10 and turn in a SHORT opinion of what you found most interesting and what you learned OR if you are unable to do that, go to, click on "Download the Viewer's Guide" for THE WAR and read the short intro section and the short section one entitled "The Necessary War." Then write a SHORT opinion of what you found most interesting and what you learned. Credit will be given either way, but I will award extra credit for all those who actually watch the film...(Watch what you can - I'm sure you'll find it worthwhile) To me by midnight Mon Sept 24.

HW 11, 12, 13 (Tues,Wed, Thur) Do the same as above for parts 2,3,4 of the film or viewer's guide. Turn in part 2 by Tues midnight, 3 by Wed. mid. and 4 by Thur. mid.

NO HW for Fri. if Ravens win Sun the 23rd. If they lose, you'll have to research and write a 30 page paper on how and why they lost and how they can never do it'll think of something easier i guess if necessary...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Never Forget

Tuesday marks the sixth remembrance of the cowardly attacks upon our country on Sept 11, 2001. It is very appropriate that we recall the words of President Franklin Roosevelt on Dec 8, 1941, when he addressed Congress and the nation following the equally dastardly attack upon Pearl Harbor by the Empire of Japan. "But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us.
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. " That amazing generation took his words to heart and embarked on the road to suffering and sacrifice, doing all it took, together, united, committed totally to preserving, protecting, and extending God's blessing of freedom for ourselves and for our fellow man.
It distresses me greatly that today, while so many of this new generation have stepped into the long line of heroes that wind it's way back through the halls of our history from the streets of Baghdad to the gangplank of the Mayflower, there are others who are not willing to even thank them for that incredible service, much less sacrifice anything themselves or assist in any way to bring about "absolute victory."
If you do nothing else today, sit quietly for six minutes and watch the second hand of a clock or watch tick by...Then realize that tapes aboard Flight 93 reveal that that group of heroes engaged in a successful struggle for THAT long with the terrorists to thwart their efforts to destroy perhaps the most well known symbol of freedom anywhere in the world - the Capitol of the United States of America. On that terrible day, they gave all THEIR tomorrows for OURS and won the first victory in the TERRORIST WAR. Since that terrible day, almost 4,000 of our nation's bravest have given their lives as well and over 20,000 have been wounded in the cause of liberty. As we ponder that awe-inspiring truth, and wipe the tears from our eyes, may we, all of us, be forever, profoundly grateful and may we truly never forget...